Around Bath 5/30/23

 Breakfast at the new Gather Cafe in Batheaston

  • Croque Monsieur
  • Breakfast bowl - yoghurt, fruit, granola
  • Cortados
Drive into Bath for groceries at Waitrose and Harvest

Lunch at The Fine Cheese Co. on Wolcott St
  • Roasted cauliflower and chicory salad with aged Dutch cheese
  • Cheese tray with choices from the cheese chef from Italy, UK, Holland
  • Cortados
Dinner back and K&A
  • Butter beans and kolrabi
New Gather location on High street, Batheaston

Breakfast bowl, of yoghurt, granola, fruit, and compote

Helpful Master of Cheese at Fine Cheese Company on Walcott St., Bath

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