Bath sightseeing 5/31/23

 Wednesday May 31

8:00 AM
Breakfast in Batheaston

  • Crooque Monsieur pt. 2
  • Avocado, fruit
  • Cortados
Take the #3 bus into Bath for coffee at Mokoko cafe to meet K and A during their lunch hour.
Located in a renovated industrial complex - The Bath Newark Works - The site of the original Stothert & Pitt buildings constructed for the internationally renowned engineering firm that was founded in Bath in 1785. Stothert & Pitt specialized in crane design, including the design and production of dockside and offshore cranes The company developed the first steam crane in 1851, before the first electric crane in 1892. A number of cranes produced by the company survive around the world, several of which are Grade ll listed.

Walk around Bath city center then take the bus back home

Dinner back in Batheaston with K&A
  • Cabbage hashbrowns
  • Beans and carrots
  • Roast potatoes and mini tomatoes

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